Made in USA. Our revolutionary new power steering hose kit system eliminates the need for the dreaded three-piece reusable hose ends. The pressure line comes pre-assembled with a 45° swivel fitting on the box or rack side and a 180° fitting on the pump end. This allows for easy clocking of the fittings during installation. Simply choose the length of the pressure hose (center of the pressure port your box/rack to the center of the pressure port on your power steering pump, and select the radio button next to the appropriate length kit. Be sure to allow plenty of slack in the hose to compensate for vibration and engine torque movement. The low pressure hose will be cut to length in the field, and the connection at the reservoir will be made up with a Pure Stealth finisher clamp.
This hose kit does not include any -6AN adapters for the pump or rack/box. Click links below for adapters.
Power Steering Pump Adapters & Accessories